randal mourey
a 20 year old boy who is obsessed with nature and finding his true place in the universe. has a large collection of bones from dead animals. creates and sells paintings to make a living, but is struggling to get his work off the ground.
vern pagnac
a 26 year old genderfluid person. randal’s partner. two sided and frequently untrustworthy. collects old video game consoles and computer parts, and works at a computer repair company. the composer and vocalist for a niche electronic band with ruth.
ruth kelsey
a 23 year old girl who’s passionate about playing the drums. a bright, colorful personality who isn’t afraid to make her voice heard by others. a reliable friend who knows everyone and who everyone knows. loves werewolf movies and j-fashion.
frances pagnac
a 24 year old girl who’s insisting on this being her first time on Earth. a poker faced and quiet person, often not finding the value in interacting with others. still lives with her parents. vern’s sister. spends most of her time playing video games, with a deep passion for all things 90s science fiction.